The BTC Fellowship Program provides emerging, mid-career, and career changing diverse professionals paid opportunities to learn the process of theatre making from leaders at the highest levels in executive, creative, producing and administrative areas while developing a strong network for continued success and employment in the entertainment industry.

Broadway Across America and BTC have partnered to create a comprehensive paid fellowship program for college undergraduate juniors, seniors, recent college graduates and early career professionals interested in pursuing a career in theater administration. Applicants are welcomed from all fields of study, including arts administration, business, marketing, communications, finance, HR, theatre studies and more.
Our PAID apprenticeship program embeds an emerging theatre professional on the reopening of a Broadway Production. The program immerses apprentices in your area of the industry on a daily basis, working alongside the team and learning the process of theater making from the executive, creative and/or administrative areas.
The apprenticeship program includes mentorship and guidance throughout the BTC Broadway Apprentice Program from emerging professionals currently working in the industry and from BTC Accomplices working on the production.

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